Author:Geza Szilvay
Author:Laszlo Rossa
Elementary Violin Duos
These elementary duos, in which the second violin part consists only of open strings, are designed to give children a taste of the enjoyment of playing together. They enable the child to listen to the other's playing and to react when the first violin (teacher or advanced pupil) makes subtle changes in dynamics, tempo, colour or character.The child will respond to these nuances merely with the bowing hand; by varying the bowing speed and the amount of hair, using different parts of the bow and following the directions sul tasto and sul ponticello.In addition to developing the right-hand technique, the duos will improve the child's musical intellect because in playing them, he or she will not only read his/her own part but will follow the first violin as well. Global score reading ability will thus gain and early start.